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Indoe.go card on indie dogs


Social media campaign and drive to initiate rescue and adoption: Adopt Indian dogs. Don't shop.


There is an increasing obsession with buying breed dogs like Huskies, St Bernards and Grade Danes in India resulting in a strong antipathy towards adopting the Indian pariahs or Indogs or as we lovingly call them: Indies.


People bring in exotic breeds to their homes and fail to be good caregivers as these dogs are typically high maintenance and do not naturally thrive in Indian climate.


We took this initiative to showcase the strengths of the Indian dogs so that people do not alienate them and come forward to adopt them. We designed social media campaigns, calendars and different merchandise which talks about rescued Indies and the people who devote themselves into them. 


Indie.Go is primarily a digital media campaign which encourages and educates people about rescuing and adopting the Indian dogs. In our most recent engagement we created social media content about the rescued puppies who are up for adoption along with other educational ones about their health and well being.

Indoe.go calendar on indie dogs 2
Indoe.go calendar on indie dogs 5
Indoe.go calendar on indie dogs 3
Indoe.go calendar on indie dogs 4
Indoe.go calendar on indie dogs
Indoe.go card on indie dogs 2
Indoe.go card on indie dogs 3
Indoe.go calendar on indie dogs 6
Indoe.go poster on indie dogs 1
Indoe.go website on indie dogs
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