INK Asia 2016
INK Asia brings together leading thinkers from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities unique to us. The 2-day conference held in Singapore, highlights innovative thinking across disciplines that is driving Asia’s growth.
Brief: To create a visual language that resonates with the conference theme 'Disrupt'. Translate the same across digital and print communications as well as the event space.
The visual language was built by systematically disturbing the linear arrangement of typography in the event brand identity to reflect a disruptive yet well balanced force.
The form of a Tangram (Chinese geometric puzzle), has been deconstructed and scattered.
The event identity was then strategically positioned to deliberately throw off the organised geometric grid of Tangram to achieve the final language. Bold and vibrant graphic arrangements have been used to reflect the dynamic line of speaker speaking about subjects ranging from preserving rich cultural legacies to disruptive advances that are shaping the future.